american idol / clay aiken / Dave Grohl / foo fighters / Gay Rights / Indiana / mike pence / music / religious freedom / Rock music

Clay Aiken refused service at Dave Grohl’s Indianapolis eatery

Clay Aiken being told by the manager "Dave doesn't serve your kind of people."

Clay Aiken being told by the manager “Dave doesn’t serve your kind of people.”

Clay Aiken is furious with Dave Grohl after being denied service at Grohl’s restaurant in the Circle Center Mall food court. Known for serving; “the best, the best, the best” Chicago Style Hotdogs in Indiana.

Aiken said “I was standing in line to get my hotdog when the manager came out and asked to speak to me off to the side.”

“I couldn’t believe what she said,” the ginger haired singer exclaimed. “She said Dave doesn’t want to make a big deal about it, but he doesn’t want to serve… well… you people.”

“I said to the manager, this isn’t the 1950’s! It’s a sad day in America when a gay man cannot get a Ten Inch long…Chicago Style Hot Dog in a Mall food court! You’ll be hearing from my attorney!”

The manager was clearly embarrassed. “Sir if it were up to me, I’d serve you. Mr. Grohl has given us strict instructions not to serve you or those associated with you. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Have you not heard about the recent legislation passed by Indiana Governor Mike Pence?”

"It makes me uncomfortable to see that crap in public!”

“It makes me uncomfortable to see that crap in public!”

“Especially gays!” Aiken interjected.

The manager then explained. “Mr. Grohl has no problem with your homosexuality. He has a problem with people who become famous on TV programs like American Idol, The Voice, and America’s Got Talent. He feels you have killed rock music and doesn’t want you to have the hot dog.”

“I won’t feed into this hypocrisy,” said Grohl on a phone interview. “I will give a hot dog to a blind man at a Foo Fighters concert before serving an obviously open and flaming TV game show winner. People like Clay Aiken, Kelly Clarkson, and Daughtry have killed rock music. Let him go hungry, or there is a Panda Express right next to us. Take your show tune singing, judge voting, Americian Idol winning, ass out the door. We don’t need these kinds of people in here. It makes me uncomfortable to see that crap in public!”

Aiken left without further incident and, due to the recent legislation signed into law by Governor Mike Pence, has absolutely zero recourse. Attorneys for Grohl cited a quote from the great Ozzy Osbourne classic “You Can’t Kill Rock n’ Roll” as their defense. The quote reads, “’cause rock n’ roll is my religion and my love.”

Check out the further adventures of Dave Grohl As he takes on Broadway! Click Below!

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Broadway Revival Feat Dave Grohl

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Sammy and the Snake Charmer

133 thoughts on “Clay Aiken refused service at Dave Grohl’s Indianapolis eatery

  1. Phewww… I was relieved to see it wasnt about Clay Aiken being a ginger is why they didnt serve him. Because my best friend is a ginger and we didnt want to have to dye his hair just to get the best,the best,the best Chicago style hotdogs in Indiana. Now Ive been looking in my atlas and I cant find Chicago or Indiana. I thought Indiana was the capital of Chicago.


    • Living in Illinois, there are two parts to the state. Chicago and the rest. Chicagoans think the Mason Dixon line is Interstate 80.

      Gigngers definitely deserve to eat. But I am against them voting and using the same water fountain.


  2. i am NOT a fan of clay aiken, but i am no longer a fan of the fighters foo if this article is true. ….and i have often felt that if it were not for nirvana…well never mind… “time and time again” i’ve thought about it….in “times like these,” anything that can help a musician be able to actually earn a living doing what they love, is ok by me…as long as the “means” is not rigged. someone like taylor swift is born into a wealthy family and gets every opportunity to do everything she wants….music-wise. then there are the poor, like me. i got my son a guitar from a pawn shop when he was young….and even though being a contestant on idol didn’t get him anywhere (because the judges were stupid, except stephen tyler, who liked my son)…it was a chance…. my son didn’t want to do it at all…he HATES those shows, but he did it because i was unemployed and i’m disabled and i pleaded with him to try…he didn’t get a penny from it….but if it had helped him to get to a place where he could earn a living at making music, it would have been awesome and now?…. we are both homeless….and besides, we probably wouldn’t eat at your place anyway since we are both vegans….and you probably don’t serve anything vegan anyway.


    • Oh Brenda, First of all I hope good fortune comes your way soon. I didn’t come from any money myself. But I make a decent living playing a guitar. Give lessons, play gigs, Become a guitar tech, roadie, do solo shows. All great ways to make a living playing music.

      Second, DON’T HATE CLAY OR DAVE OR THE FOO FIGHTERS. This was written to make a point about the Freedom of Religion law that Indiana passed and was an excuse to legally discriminate against, well who ever ya felt like. The story is all false. Only the people are real. No hot dog stand, no refusal of service. Re-read it and see it was written with my tongue firmly implanted in my cheek. Everything is silly from the first word to the last.

      If someone can walk on to a million dollar stage with a professionally written song produced by the biggest producer and pushed and pushed by radio you have a hit. Simon walks away with most of that cash since you are on his label. It’s sad to say, but this is the greatest commercial for an album ever made. They have people believe this is how the music industry works. It’s not. It’s how TV works. there has been some great music out of some of these but once again, they have the best money can buy.

      Lets take Dave Grohl for example, since I jab him so often. He was a broke kid sleeping on couches and happened to find the right band at the right time and took over the world in Nirvana. That wasn’t handed to them. They wrote it, they recorded it. Someone believed in them and put some money behind it and crossed their fingers. When Kurt committed suicide Dave was left with probably very little. I think Kurt was the song writer. More than one million selling musician has come off the road owing more than they made. Managers, lawyers, advances, etc…all come off the top. Touring is paid for by the band, and a new band running support makes very little money. So it’s not like Dave could retire on his Nirvana money, Probably. I don’t know their finances but I’ve seen it a thousand times. What ever is left over the band splits. they probably made less than 50 cents a record.

      Dave put another band together, wrote some great songs and did it again. hard work and paying dues earns more respect from me than A TV show where they pick and choose from the good and the bad. The bad singers go through steps just like the good ones. Talented people are set aside because they don’t have a good story or they are ugly or fat. You have to have something to promote and make a connection. It’s not singing other peoples songs. Musicians are doing that all over the world every night.

      Our musical superstars don’t do this. The Dylans, Springsteens, Jamey Johnson, Steve Earle, Aretha Franklin, Lyle Lovett, Sting,… They would have never made it on Idol. they would have been turned away.

      This has left us with a gaping vacuum where songs that repeat the words “I don’t give a fuck” a million times becomes a hit. I blame the plastic Idol, Voice bullshit on that. It’s become so plastic that people will buy anything not even realizing it’s a piece of shit. Bob Dylan also wrote the “I don’t give a fuck” song. Only he called it “Positively 4th Street” and wrote a classic.

      Best wishes Brenda and good luck in the future.


  3. Great story! You got me and I was so mad and then I realized it was a joke! Awesome laugh to start my morning! Can I subscribe to you for more?


  4. Congrats on going viral, buddy. As you well know, I am not a fan of satire, but I do like a good joke. I thought your Dave Grohl jokes were inspired by this site (I never visited until just now) but now I see that you started the site. Very cool! When are you going to start the No More Neil Young site?

    Keep on Rocking,


    P.S. for those of you reading this, buy Sammy’s album. It is quite the wild ride. I laughed, I cried. It took me to Heaven by way of Hell. And it got me laid more times than I care to count.


    • Yeah Mark. It’s me. I’m sure at some point Niel Young, Slash, and Dave will all play together. They make themselves readily available.
      Thank you my friend. I’ve met some characters. You know how I DO love characters.

      Thanks for the kind words on the album.
      Love you brotha


    • V, It’s called the Andy Griffith Method(c).

      If you surround yourself with idiots it makes you seem smarter than you really are. If I’ve learned anything, I’ve learned to ALWAYS hang with uglier and dumber people than you. If Iver get any money, I’m buying better friends anyway.

      I love you to my friend,


  5. As I started to read this, I was most pissed off that Dave Grohl had a hot dog stand in Indy and I was not aware of it. But then, I finished reading and realized it was a piece of satire so I was like “phew!” and laughed my ass off.


    • I’m sure by now this has crossed Dave’s feed. I bet he’s considering it after he see’s the response he’s getting. Don’t give up hope Anne Marie.

      Thanks for writing 🙂


  6. It seems like I need to be more careful. I was suckered, and am embarrassed. Please strike my original reply, as I can not delete it myself. Detestable bit of dishonesty. This is what the pro LGBT agenda stoops to? You are vile.


    • well Bob, seeing as how it was a piece of obvious satire I think you missed the point that the other 160,000 people who hit the link understood. You were not suckered, you didn’t read it. When you did read it you blame me for YOU screwing up and shooting your mouth off?

      It has absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality, nothing, not one bit. Not being LGTB I have no agenda, I support their rights 100%. I was making a point on what could happen it the Freedom of Religion law was not changed. So not only have you missed the point, you missed the story. It’s old news

      Understandable… It happens. I’ll give you a little hint though. When you ask someone (like me) to remove your douche bag post, you might finish it with Thank You, instead of You’re vile. Think we’ll just keep things as is until you can learn some social graces. Say please and I’ll take it down 🙂

      I’m not vile, i’m petty.


    • Bob ya seem to be a bit of a Homophobe. Kind of a bigot too if your FB page is correct. I think I’ll just leave you hangin on your words.

      Here’s a little tip for you. Stop being an ass and the world will be a little brighter.



    • Seriously? You don’t get what satire is, and the writer is the vile one? Are you just upset that they made you look like a fool who apparently can’t be bothered to read before commenting? Because I can see why that would make you upset.


      • Hey Bob, you were right. It does make you look pretty silly. I like the cut of Miguel’s jib.

        Miguel, I was kinda wondering the same thing. How does you not understanding the point, make me vile. Don’t get me wrong. I’m vile, but Bob didn’t know that.

        Thanks for finding the words I couldn’t my friend,


      • Melanie my love,

        Bob doesn’t need to do things like “read” or be “cool” or not be rude when you are asking a favor from someone. If he would have written it like this “Hey I made a mistake , could you take my dumbass comment off…dickhead” I would have. In fact I was smiling about him asking and was getting ready to reply that I would. Then unlike Bob, I read the whole message.


  7. Grohl is waaaay out of line here. This is what the LGBT community is exactly afraid of. I fully support RFRA – But idiots like Grohl and his manager are lighting matches in a gunpowder factory. Stupid, stupid, stupid…


  8. There is NO way this is true for so many reasons, including that I go to that mall weekly and there is NO hotdog place there or Panda Express for that matter… I’m laughing out loud. The only Panda Express and That hot dog place referees downtown aren’t even close to one another


    • Check your facts A.

      I shop here daily. I eat at Dave Grohl’s The Best, The Best, The Best Chicago style Hotdogs all the time.

      You think you’re sneaky but I know it’s you Panda Express.

      Best check your fact before you start in on me. I have a freakin Pulitzer dude/dudette. I guarantee this happened just as I reported or your money back.

      …Some people….


  9. LOL I like your style. I shut my tv off one day and haven’t turned it on since. I watch a movie on it now and then but if not for that It would be gone. I don’t want to see pawn guys mad on the history channel. So to avoid that I had to get expanded cable to watch the channel that shows History even though I was supposed to get it with my basic cable. H2 all it shows me is how aliens made the pyramids. So I flip it and once again someone is bidding on Storage units.

    I hope you tune into my new show in the science channel. It’s called Watching Paint Dry with an Apple. The premise is; I will film an apple while paint drys for an hour. The kids will love it. I’ll take the apple on tour and people will line up to have their picture taken with my TV apple. And I wonder why my mind wanders…

    Hope the Easter Monkey Found you!


  10. Not sure if it was said before or not but Clay Aiken wasn’t an American Idol winner. Regardless, funny article and even funnier comments…


    • Hey Wvusean, No it hasn’t been brought up before and at the time of writing I couldn’t remember if he was or not. I only saw a few shows over the entire run. I chose Clay because He was on American Idol (I knew that) He was openly gay (I knew that) so he meshed with my stupid little idea. I just remember he got famous by being on a TV show.

      I was in no shape to be looking up facts at the time. I actually thought only a few friends would see it. SURPRISE! Thanks for letting me know and I’m glad you wrote.

      Happy easter


      • Facts/shmacts I am one of those people who can retain some useless knowledge and somehow the siren went off when I read that – what’s funny is I have never watched an episode of AI, but I will confess to having watched some of the voice, as my wife and kids would have it on when I came home from work. One of my own little madnesses it to try to avoid any reality show. I think I would get too confused trying to figure out what world that stuff is reality in.

        Regardless … it doesn’t detract from the great piece of writing.

        And a Happy Easter to you, Sir. I can’t wait to read more or your work now that I have blindly stumbled upon your article.


  11. You are a complete asshole. This isn’t satire by far. You aren’t help fight the liberal cause against the unjust law. You help no one with this. It only furthers some sociopathic one-sided feud with Grohl. You are just a vindictive little pussy.


    • Kat, I’ll bring the bun’s and the liter of soda! Be prepared for the worst sex you’ve ever had in your life. BUT I am enthusiastic, and grateful.

      Plus Kat, I gotta lot of free time and am kind of needy. On the plus side I’ve been known to be a door mat, so please push me around and be nasty to me, It just makes me feel more loved!

      Don’t forget I can see your email on my end 😉

      All my love,
      your dearest Samuel


    • Kara, what gave me away?

      No I didn’t know what organization he does charity work for. I just assumed the real life Dave and Clay probably were OK people. I’ll be sure to put a link to on my about page. Thanks for the info.

      Happy Easter-ish


  12. What a wonderfully written piece of satire Sir! The amount of laughter it caused made everyone in the room to look at me 10 kinds of crazy. I can’t wait to see what else you come up with!


  13. I’m a singer/songwriter from Dave Grohl’s hometown of Warren, Ohio. This is utter Bullshit. Dave Grohl would never give those kinda instructions to his staff. I don’t know who perpetrated this farce but now that I’m writing this please give a listen to this song I wrote for all the bigots in Indiana and beyond. Please enjoy Gal-huh-Leo~ WJU


    • William, I’m very familiar with Warren Ohio, the love of my life lived there. If you want to know who is perpetrating this farce, click the button next to the one you read. it’ll take you to the about page and it’ll tell ya.

      Here is the part I hate to tell you, because you missed it. It was satire. Dave doesn’t own a hotdog stand, Clay was never turned away. the scenario could of happened, then Americans can start a bigot kickstarter fund and you live happily ever after.

      Dave is great. I write stoned. You rock. None of this happened. Tell Kathleen I love her if you see her in Warren.


    • Kerry Howell, you do know what satire is right? Did you bother reading the about section of this website? This is why it’s very important that people do their due diligence before taking something as truth, it’s a dangerous thing when you’re not informed and take things at face value.


      • What is scary is, it could have happened. She was just the first to post, not the only one fooled by a misleading text. It’s strange though that she was talking to me like I was Dave. That I can’t explain. Give her a little slack. I tricked her. She wasn’t looking for trouble, but she was standing up for something wonderful. For that I thank you Kerry, and for sticking up for me, I want to thank you too Johnny.

        You know what is cool? Since this thing went viral, Dave and Clay are gonna read this. We should say Hi to them and thank them for being a couple of good joes.



  14. At first I was like “meh…” I’m not a huge Aiken fan. But Daughtry??? Oh well, I think there’s a new Foo Fighter’s CD I need to go get. Sammy, you ROCK!


    • Enjoy the CD, I hear it’s good. And I haven’t had a TV since I turned it on after a month and there was a show where people bid on storage lockers. STORAGE LOCKERS! I feel cheated.

      Thanks Donni Glad you enjoyed it.


  15. I don’t know what was funnier…the article or the comments from people that didn’t understand or read the article. Either way, WORTH IT! And all this Indiana stuff is taking the heat off us West Virginians for a little while. Thanks for the laugh.


    • OMG Sally. The comments beat the hell of the dumb little story. I’ve been entertained for days. who knew it would give some much pleasure in return?

      Thanks for taking the time to say something nice. It is appreciated.
      Best Wishes


    • Someone in one of the comments said it’s my religion and my law. I’ve been singing love since I was a kid. I think were right. Long live Ozzy! Thank you for writing and telling me you enjoyed it. 🙂

      Have a great day


  16. It’s true I’m about 3 or 5 shots of tequila into my night, but people need to get the corn cobs out of their asses and loosen up….or to put it a more Southern, lady like way…Bless their hearts. It’s satire…and I found it rather funny. Thank you for the smile.


  17. The Church of Rock!! I envision at the altar facing the congregation a likeness of Dio, arms out, displaying the horns in full splendor. Nice job! I knew it was satire right off the bat. Dave’s a righteous dude! I lived near KC when the Foos put on a special show just for the Westboro creeps from the back of a flat bed and mockingthe hell out of them.


  18. Not funny. With all the hate going on right now. I get that this is supposed to be a joke but it is totally not funny. The reality that this can happen is way to horrible to joke. This country is going to Hell in a hand basket. In the 50s it was discrimination against people of color. And now it’s people who don’t agree with narrow minded lost souls. It’s wrong. Very wrong. And just not funny.


    • Hey Mo, I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy the little piece. I published it because it amused me. You weren’t even supposed to see it. I write stupid stories late at night. I hit publish and woke up 10,000 hits. It went viral. The reality that it could happen is what makes it satire.

      We need humor or to be able to laugh at ourselves or see the absurdities in life. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. As does charity, kindness, and the golden rule.

      Mo, in the time it took for you to reply to an obviously over the top piece of satire, you could have made a donation to the red cross. The country is going to hell in a handbasket and instead of doing anything positive about it you chose to ignore that and then take the time criticize me? Does your town need volunteers? Do the charities in your area need help? But you chose to spend it here by bringing your cloud of judgement and rain of piss over here. The people I know are good people, the people I see in America are good people. Hell in a handbasket? You have let people like yourself turn the world dark. The fact that people have rebelled is proof it’s not. But someone has to stand off to the side and drag their heels. That’s your part.

      Sorry if my story wasn’t funny for you. I’ll check with you before writing anything else.

      Sorry to be curt, but I’ve quit smoking and am on edge. Normally I would have let it pass, keeping my thoughts to myself. Apathy is what kills, not bigotry.

      HAve a sunshiny day Mo


  19. Okayyyyy, I can see many didn’t bother to read the whole thing. This is a joke , and has nothing to do with homosexuality or racism. You may want to ‘re-read this fully before hating Dave. Put the pitchforks and fire away and don’t condemn someone you didn’t bother to pay full attention to, it’s a dangerous mentality. This cracked me up lol, too funny. You can’t kill rock n roll!!!


  20. Sammy- have you seen the documentary “Sound City”? If u haven’t, it’s a good use of 90 min unless you are like me and have seen it 10x. Then it’s a good use of um…900 min.

    Enjoyed the comments and rebuttles over the past couple days. Good times. Lol


    • I haven’t seen it but I’ve been meaning to. Really most people have been cool. I just wrote it for a few of my buddies. This was unexpected to say the least. There is no way to top it. I just wish I would have put a little banner for my album on there LOL


  21. “Hot dog….I’ve waited here for youuuu….ever-foot-long….”

    “DONE ! DONE ! on-to-the-next BUN! DONE ! DONE! on-to-the-next BUN!”

    Couldn’t resist ! heh !. 😎


  22. What woman wouldn’t love Wink. Great name anyway. If I ever have a child I will name him Wink.

    Very close to Effingham.In fact in Effingham for about 10 years. My cubicle days were spent at Patterson. I live back in Greenup now. But I’m looking to escape. I’m 44 and If I don’t take my chance as a professional Broadway dancer soon, I may become too old.

    Now I work on a soup plantation. I work 20 acres of Chicken Noodle. I could also grow alphabet but I don’t read too good.

    Dave is a favorite character. I’m glad you like it. 🙂


  23. This is the first of your posts that I read to my husband…..and I was being very serious. ……but as soon as I got to the part where the manager says Dave has no problem with your homosexuality…… husband burst out laughing and said I knew this had to be fake! We do live in Indiana and my husband didn’t think Dave had a hot dog stand…lol!!!! Anyway, very funny although very possible circumstances. Sucks to be us😶


    • HOOSIERS I knew it! I live right of of I 70 in Illinois about 45 minutes from Terre Haute. That swingin’ Town. Yeah you have it bad. They just throw our Governors in prison. But they don’t discriminate. They steal from us all and take it to Chicago.

      If anything like that happens to you. semi-celebrities will come out of the woodwork to fight this. Kato Kalin, Fabio, Wink Martindale, and the list goes on. We aren’t alone in this fight.


      • Awesome can’t wait, love me some Wink Martindale!!!!!!!!! Terre Haute that’s where our daughter in law is from and where our son and she got married last October.
        So are you close to Effingham? I worked 12 years for Heartland Dental!
        Brilliant piece about the plane for the girls little league summer softball😂😂😂😂.
        Have a good one!


  24. As bewildered as I was when I FIRST stumbled onto your article, it didn’t take long (or too much caffeine to clear the Monday cobwebs from my brain) to see it was a good-old-tongue-in-cheek satirical piece. The sad thing is that when articles go viral these days- most of the people that apparently do “the viral thing” don’t seem to have the mental fortitude or patience to actually grasp a concept that isn’t five seconds long, spelled out at elementary school level and written specifically for the Twitter/Instagram-need-info-hyperfast crowd. Makes me a little sad. But then I read the commentary and all I want to do is get my Jiffy Pop popcorn and pull up a seat for the show. Well done. The thought of “you (American Idol) people” slays me.


    • I8, I keep those cobwebs and use them as fuel for the rest of the day. I set my bar low so I’m not disappointed.

      The comments are great. The analyzing, the boycotting of Dave Grohl’s Indy Hotdog stand. Clay being an amazing “artist” who made it through hard work, and waiting in line.

      I write simply to get silly thoughts out of my head, and jab at The Indiana Governor and his bullshit law.

      Stick around. I followed you and i can’t wait to see what you have in store for me 🙂

      Have a great day and a great run (the ex wife was an ironman Triathlete, but I like you anyway)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well thanks for that, lol. Not much of an Iron anything- unless “cast iron gut” has become an event. I appreciate the follow! Trying to figure out which tags to use, and how to promote myself has been “interesting” to say the least. I think that you are officially my 100th follower! So envision the virtual balloons, streamers and confetti!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Who says I wasn’t envisioning virtual balloons and Streamers? Iron Man was cool, her, not so much. But one out of two isn’t bad. (now there is the bitterness the guy mentions in another comment) You have to let me in on you promotions. I have an evil mind and a degree in Marketing! I want to help. Will it involve committing a crime? I have some awesome ideas! 😛

        Liked by 1 person

  25. I am an avid Dave Ghrol fan AND I follow current events, for these two (but not limited to) reasons I found this article FRIGGIN HELLARIOUS! Dave has gone on the record saying that true music is made in a garage with your buddies playing on crappy instruments and sounding like shit enough that it somehow becomes great, not on a polished tv show where you are made “a star” overnight.

    That mixed with the fact that this article is SO OVER THE TOP unbelievable should make for a good read if you actually know your shit and can discern from true vs false. I’d say that anyone who jumped to a hate rant jumped to a pretty quick conclusion and has no witty bone in his or her body.

    I took this for what it is early. A funny piece that appeals to the slightly more in depth reader. it’s not about gays or big ol gay hot dogs, it’s about bad music and the “musicians” that make it.

    P.s. I have been to Circle Center mall and the place in question is actually a Johnny Rockets. Just don’t go asking for any tuna casserole if you are a lesbian, will turn you away. (<—- not a true statement)

    Liked by 1 person

    • HA! Hey Chris. Dave is a favorite character. He really does seem like the real deal. His music is good, and he didn’t have anything ever handed to him. I have the utmost respect for him and really Clay Aiken too. I just write stupid stories late at night and that one just blew up. I’m not done with the further adventures of Dave. He’ll be stopping concerts, refusing service, and any other wacked out thing I can think of.

      LOL the last time I was at Circle Center I saw James Brown in a bar somewhere there.

      You have made my day! Thanks for writing!

      Liked by 1 person

    • David Grohl is an ass for judging without facts. Its mighty arrogant and ignorant of him to assume that Clay or any of the other winners were created by TV, For instance, Clay was a professional singer since he was 5 years old and sang in everything from musical theater productions to fronting a country band for years before he ever was on TV. He paid his dues just like Kelly, Carrie and Daughtry has. If only Grohl would educate himself so he wouldn’t come across so ignorant.


      • Tim, you do realize, that this story is completely untrue.

        But if you’d like to discuss paying dues. Standing in line all day and singing a few cover songs isn’t the same as hopping your ass in avan and travelling from gig to gig building a fan base. These guys hit the road, write an album, record the album on their own budget and then support the album by hopping back out and running the country.

        TV game shows, wait in line all day, are brought through a lot of loops before landing in front of three judges who look for the best looking person who can sing. They don’t pay dues like most. You say Clay wasn’t created by TV but how many albums did you own of his before he was on TV? Kelly? Daughtry? So come on TV did make them. Not because they are special. Because they fit your idea of what it takes to be a star. It has more to do with hitting the notes than making music. The judges like J. Lo have never recorded a track. They have that done, she sings it, they fix it so she sounds good and she has a record. She doesn’t sit on the couch with a guitar and a notebook. She pays people to do that.

        Superstars don’t have great voices all the time. Imagine Dylan walking in there. The voice of a generation, honored all over the world, heralded as a song writer extraordinaire. What if Idol was his shot? John Lennon, or Sting, Tina Turner, Stevie Nicks, The Clash, Tom Petty, Aretha Franklin (too heavy), Etta james (also too heavy) Paying dues? These people paid dues. Clay’s was handed to him along with the best songwriters and Simon’s contract that they will record only for him. Idol, the Voice… They are year long commercials for a record.

        I am a songwriter, pro musician who has been in that van, who has pushed songs, who has slept on floors before and ate taco bell because there was no money. 20 years of hard gigging and I do just fine. You can’t compare a kid singing in a choir or fronting a cover band paying serious dues. I never met him on the road. He was busy counting money.

        I’m not here to tell you what to like. Buy their music. Be happy you found something you like. It takes all kinds to make the world go round.



      • There you go again. He had 2 albums before hitting TV. He’s released 6 since Idol (including one of Christmas Hymns) with about half of them originals and some he wrote himself. Like I said. Don’t judge without FACTS. Try to contain your bitterness.


      • Tim my friend, you are way too involved over a point in the story that could have been anyone. Take it for what it is. If I was worried about facts, the entire story would be wrong. Fact. Dave owns no hot dog cart Fact. Clay aiken was never turned away. FACT under the new law passed by Indiana’s Governor this could have been an actual situation.

        Look brother, you came into my house, I didn’t yours. I have my opinion on “they fit the suit” stars. Just because your tastes are shallow doesn’t mean it’s right.

        Once again, how many of his pre-fame albums did you own before he walked into national exposure?

        But hey, thats another ball of wax. Read it again and realize it doesn’t have one bit of fact in this entirely made up story. My zoo. My monkeys.

        Thanks for stopping by though (no sarcasm) Follow me. You seem fun to spar with my friend.

        My Best

        P.S. My neighbor has 5 albums out. Never leaves his house. Having an album out with a few tunes you wrote yourself doesn’t mean you are the next Springsteen. It just means You had the 900 bucks to have it printed.


  26. Hilarious. I had my doubts from the start though. Some of the comments are just as entertaining as this story. Others are just sad. Some people don’t even know how to live within their own “believes”! Go ahead and hide your bigotry behind your religion. We’ll see where you end up.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. look up Dave Grohl on wikipedia, he is a supporter or gay rights and active one. This is just dumb facebook tom foolery. I am not a foo fighter fan, but, lets be real, he IS a straight ally and should be supported for that. Forget this facebook BS

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Chris. If you read the article, it specifically says Dave is not against homosexuality. In fact the story isn’t about homosexuality. It’s about saying FU to a law put in place for discrimination. This is satire and in it’s very definition supportive of gay rights. I’m a straight man, very liberal, and a supporter of live and let live. If cats dig cats, and chicks dig chicks, who am I to say it’s wrong? I can only comment on the injustice in the state. And I thought it was kind of funny. I hope I didn’t piss ya off too bad. Re-read it with the smart-assery in which it was written.
      My Best


      • hey dumbass, the law was not put into place to support discrimination, quite to the contrary. The law was put into place to protect people’s right to practice their religion and their personal beliefs. You dumbass liberals want to force all of your believes down everyone’s throat,and up peoples ass, pun intended. you’re constantly insisting that everyone be tolerant. as long as the tolerance is to support your deviant lifestyles and beliefs. As soon as someone disagrees with your perverted believes then you have no tolerance whatsoever for them.kind of ironic that your first recourse is to get attorneys and judges to force someone to tolerate your beliefs when you refuse to tolerate theirs. what up piece of s*** you are.

        Liked by 1 person

      • you may want to read your last comment and try to figure some sense into that yourself. You stated if cats big cats and chicks dig chicks who are you to disagree with that. you’re absolutely correct cats do dig cats, chicks do dig chicks, but cats don’t dig chicks and chicks don’t dig cats. Horses don’t go screw Cows and cows don’t jump the fence and screw the horses. if the rest of the animals on this planet started screwing their own gender, this would be nothing but I rock with water floating through space. I say let all the queers have each other…. in one generation you will die off because of your inability to breed and the diseases that your nastiness causes

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ms. La Luna, my favorite part of Tim’s logic is to “let the queers have each other. Within a generation they’ll be gone since they can’t reproduce”

        Tim must not realize that gay babies are born to straight parents. His logic may be a little off. I bet they let you vote, don’t they Tim?


  28. I read the message and I can’t believe that an owner of a restaurant would refuse a paying customer on the basis of how he or she made their money. He’s probably served alot of ladies of the night with those rich men that walk in, Just because he doesn’t care for how they make their money he should close his doors. Yes you do have the right to refuse anyone, but you just messed up bad. Bad judgement for business. I don’t own your music don’t intend on buying any but I also have an opinion and I just expressed it. I hope others won’t come into your business. and just so you know I’m not gay but I am HAPPY Clay if you read this spend your money in North Carolina we appreciate all talent from Carolina.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. If you folks don’t recognize satire when you see it, you really really need to log off and go back to listening to Britney Spears and watching Sesame Street because that it pretty much all you have the intelligence for.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Do you think it’s that? Or is it that we see so much of this shit that we believe it first. I’ve never had one of these go viral, so reading the comments has been…interesting. 99% get it. Indiana’s Gov. is a boob.

      What I find is strange is what people have been reading between the lines. We are so distrustful of each other and the shitty ways we treat one another that we’d just as soon believe it, and make the judgement without reading it.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Hey INTELLIGENCE, Take it as is my friend. If you came in on the story ready to hate and then smiled, then that is a success for me, and a little smile for you. If you came into it refusing to see absurdity of it all, then one, I didn’t get my point across or two the reader’s mind was made up and was blinded by anger.

      All these comments good and bad show me that basically, you all truly give a shit about a bad situation. How can you or I fault anyone for that?
      Best wishes

      Liked by 1 person

    • Tim, I’ll tell ya my man. Boredom my friend. That on top of recent events in Indiana and the Governor but mainly boredom. and Yes, you are correct. According to the dictionary, satire is supposed to be funny. Nice use of the word! I coppied an pasted it. It has some synonyms you might wanna look into also.

      Can I answer anything else for you?

      the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
      synonyms: mockery, ridicule, derision, scorn, caricature;

      Liked by 2 people

      • Kurt, You seem like a good guy. If you are ever in the Indianapolis down town area, please stop by the cart for Clay’s hotdog.
        Thanks for taking time to tell me liked it. I really do appreciate it.


        Liked by 1 person

    • Have you ever read “A Modest Proposal” by Swift, or “Gulliver’s Travels.” Those truly satirical pieces, and absolutely ‘not funny.’


  30. Your a complete racist, I will be throwing your cd’s in trash. As far as the people you say are trash singers I like them so blow it out ur back side. Will never eat at ur est.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kerry, This is obviously a satire site.

      Dave Grohl has nothing to do with this. Dave is probably a good guy. Clay Aikens has nothing to do with this. He is probably a good man as well.

      Dave doesn’t own a Hotdog stand next to a Panda Express.

      As far as I know Dave is not a bigot, and I have never heard otherwise.

      Don’t throw away his music because of this. You’ll just feel silly when you have to buy it all again when you find out none of this ever happened.

      Liked by 4 people

      • Jessi, Dave is neither racist or Prejudice. This is a satire site and Dave Grohl is my favorite character. I’m sure he’s a good man. He had nothing to do with any part of the article. the article is fake.
        I like your spunk. You keep after guys. 🙂


    • Kerry Howell, you do know what satire is right? Did you bother reading the about section of this website? This is why it’s very important that people do their due diligence before taking something as truth, it’s a dangerous thing when you’re not informed and take things at face value.


      • Aimee, she wasn’t the first to reply in the heat of the moment. I really don’t blame Kerry as much as ourselves. This is so stupid that everyone should have said. “yeah thats some stupid shit” But we also are the same people who just sent 300,000 to two bigots in southern Indiana. Anything is possible.

        Happy Easter and stuff


    • Please tell me you didn’t just write the words… “i’ll never eat at your est.” over a clearly satirical , single story on the internet. Please tell me your clearly underfunctioning brain cells, didn’t percieve the story containing the premise that the lead singer of the Foo Fighters, who owns a hot dog stand (seriously?, that didn’t clue you in at all?) and he discriminates against reality show contestants. Get yourself a dictionary and look up the word racist.


      • Rheann, (great name) have you been to the mall since the “incident’? Hard times are in store Dave and his hotdog cart. This will be bad for him. Luckily some folks put together a kickstarter campaign supporting Dave’s bigotry against Reality TV. They raised 234,567 dollars for him. He’s buying a fur sink* (*Steve Martin – “Let’s get Small” 1978)

        🙂 Keyy’s catching a lot of flack, but lets not forget she/he wrote in because they were PISSED. That’s a good sign. Not reading my late night BS is where she made the mistake

        Hope the Easter Monkey finds you

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hey Jack, It was a mistake on Kerry’s part, She took it at face value. Which is kinda sad that it was believeable. Sad state of affairs.
        Thanks for reading my friend! Happy Easter


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